Comments on: Neon Outlook: Halloween 2008 in Las Vegas, Part Two
Alternative news, commentary and culture from Las VegasTue, 15 Sep 2009 23:38:52 +0000hourly1 DJ Pellegrino
Fri, 31 Oct 2008 17:36:34 +0000 West Costume Ball, Oct. 31, 8pm until the crowds die. The entire BONNIE SCREAMS ghost town
will be taken over for this one of a kind party!
Monsters will roam. Lights will flash The grounds will rock. Music pumps through the fog filled streets
as you meet legends from the realm of horror, Hollywood & music greatness! WILD HEART will blow you away as the perform the top hits from Fleetwood Mac, Heart, Janice Joplin, Pat Benetar and other great artists. Not only will our main acts & entertainment be dressed to reflect a time of legendary stars and film icons, but the entire town will be transformed into a real life HOLLYWOOD HALLOWEEN BACKLOT PARTY! Take the ghost train into the LOST TOWN OF THE DEAD on your way to the WICKED WEST’s most FRIGHT & FUN FILLED evening ever in Las Vegas HISTORY. Enjoy the flowing spirits of the Halloween night while you participate in the costume contest and freaky fun filled antics,
or just watch those who do. Cash Prizes to contest winner.