What Would Bubba Do? (Photo by Erik Kabik | Retna)
We interrupt our usual music and art coverage to discuss something of slightly more substance (not that Bob Dylan playing the Joint isn’t substantive, but stick with us here): the growing need for cleaner, greener energy in this country. It seems like the average American has only become concerned with alternative energy sources when filling his or her gas tank started requiring home equity lines of credit, but the truth is, all those tree-hugging leftists have been right all along. We’re delivering this planet to hell in a handbasket with our ugly addiction to “dirty” fossil fuels such as coal and oil.
With that in mind, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and University of Nevada, Las Vegas are hosting the National Clean Energy Summit at UNLV’s Cox Pavilion today and tomorrow. But why here in Nevada? We’ll let the Summit’s official website clear that up: “Nevada is at the epicenter in the debate of how America should generate and use energy in the future. Nevada has abundant clean energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and efficiency technologies that could be developed to meet its future energy needs.”
Plus, you know, that Reid guy’s been fighting against building a nuclear waste dumping facility at Yucca Mountain for as long as we can remember. So he has a vested interest, y’all. In addition to industry leaders, scientists, policy experts, citizens and the media gathering at this two-day summit, the Clinton who did get nominated as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate (and spent two pretty rad terms in office), William Jefferson, kicked things off today with the keynote speech. Our favorite lens-wielder, Erik Kabik, was at Cox Pavilion, and brought us back some photos of the proceedings. Oh sure, there won’t be tousled rock stars or hot chicks, but there sure will be a lot of political power. And we think that’s sexy.